
Case Study: Corporate


A Fortune 500 company wanted to enhance internal communication between employees and facilities.  They were using all  the traditional communication tools, such as satellite broadcasts, company newsletters, and later email and Webcasts to keep employees informed.  But was it working?


Determine which communication tools were most effective so company leaders could target resources and boost employee satisfaction


Our team surveyed employees from across the country, including oversamples in key facilities.

We knew that just having the right tools in place didn’t mean the message was resonating with employees.  Our surveys helped define which messages were getting through and which ones needed to be revised to reflect the leadership’s vision and connect with employees across the country.  We determined which communication approaches worked and recommended a plan to ensure the message was well received even when the news was difficult to deliver.

Some years the challenge was communicating why the company was making changes in a down economy.  Other years the theme was ensuring employees held the ethical values the corporate leadership wanted to preserve.

The Result:

By looking at oversampled facilities, we were able to demonstrate an actual link between effective communication – the right combination of tools and messaging – and enhanced productivity.