What We Do

North Star Opinion Research provides strategic guidance to Republican candidates for office, trade associations, nonprofit organizations, and corporations.  We are a full-service research firm offering a broad range of capabilities and expertise.

Full-service may be an overused expression that’s taken on a generic connotation but for our team, full-service means delivering above expectations.  Sure, we conduct surveys and focus groups and write up the results.  Clients expect that from a reputable opinion research firm. But, full-service at North Star means starting with the question, “What does the client need?”  We tailor our services to meet each client’s unique challenges.  Some clients need a series of focus groups with independent voters around the country to dig down into opinions on a national issue. Other clients may need a long survey testing messages for their statewide campaign.

At North Star, we can do it all, but we’ll only recommend the services we know are necessary to accomplish our clients’ goals. One size doesn’t fit all.  Every client gets a research plan that uniquely addresses their challenges and provides the direction they need to take action.

Full-service means personal attention.  Our clients benefit from the experience, insight and brain trust of our entire team. We work together to provide clients with the best research and strategic advice.  North Star does a lot of research, but we’re not a polling factory.  We partner with clients that we care about, invest in their issues and objectives, and give each one the attention they need without overwhelming them with costly, redundant, or irrelevant data.

Full-service means putting the results in context.  We don’t just gather and interpret the data.  We put the data to work and provide the meaning behind the results.  We use the data to educate, inform, and empower our clients.  For example, a candidate leading 45 to 40 percent has a different task ahead of him if he holds 70 percent of his base as opposed to one leading 45 to 40 percent but with 85 percent of his base.  And a candidate who can win a plurality by focusing on the state’s less expensive media markets is in a different position than one who needs to run up the score in the state’s population center.  Context is the difference between interesting results and useful results.

North Star is not just any opinion research firm.  It’s the firm clients turn to for honest, reliable, straightforward direction and strategic thinking unmatched in the industry.