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Whit Ayres’ comments to NBC News: “Let’s face it. Donald Trump is sui generis,” Ayres said. “There’s no one out there like him. No one with his mix of bravado, charisma, political instincts and entertainment value on the horizon in either party. It’s hard to imagine Trumpism without Donald Trump.” To read the full article,...

Jon McHenry spoke to The Boston Globe regarding Governor Sanders’ comments about Vice President Harris: Republican pollster and strategist Jon McHenry described Sanders’ remarks as “a gratuitous slap,” and warned that the rhetoric being pushed by Republicans could influence women voters in the upcoming November election. McHenry said the comments against Harris are “not helpful”...

“If Harris doesn’t get to 50 percent now, I don’t that that she’s ever going to.”

Jon McHenry joined Australian Broadcasting Company Radio to discuss the September 10 presidential debate: “If [Vice President Harris] doesn’t get to 50 percent in some of those [swing] states, I don’t know that she’s ever going to after a fairly solid debate.”

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