Whit Ayres, July 25

Whit Ayres’ comments to The Washington Post regarding Vice President Harris’ 2020 campaign:

“She’s just a horrible candidate who could not communicate a rationale for her candidacy,” said Republican pollster Whit Ayres, who mused that Biden, at 81 years old, may have been quicker to set aside his own reelection ambitions if he had more confidence in his vice president.

To read the full article, please click here.

Whit Ayres, July 7

Whit Ayres’ appearance on NewsNation, saying Democrats should move on from both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, was written up in The Hill newspaper:

“Democrats are much better off having an open convention where they can bring somebody new to the floor who is — would be a credible president,” Ayres said on Sunday. “I think that they’re far better off doing that than they are sticking with either Biden or Kamala Harris, both of whom are almost assured to lose to Donald Trump.”

When host Chris Stirewalt noted that putting forward someone new could be “dangerous” for Democrats, Ayres emphasized that presidential candidates have been nominated at national conventions before. The Democratic National Convention will be held August 19-22 in Chicago, where Biden is expected to be officially nominated as the party’s candidate.

“We have nominated presidential candidates in the past in conventions. The Democratic convention would get the highest viewership ever for a convention, and you’d have the possibility of bringing forward somebody else that America hasn’t been introduced to before who might actually be a very good president,” he said.

To read the full article, please click here.

2024 Presidential Election Outlook

Whit Ayres, November 8

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Los Angeles Times about the Democratic ticket:

Whit Ayres, who has spent decades polling and strategizing for Republican candidates, described the Democratic ticket of Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as the weakest since that of George McGovern and Sargent Shriver, who were shellacked by President Nixon in 1972.

But Ayres is not convinced Republicans will win the White House.

“There’s a host of events that are going to happen between now and November 2024 that could change the outcome, or at least affect the outcome, of the election,” Ayres said. 

He’s not even certain that Biden and Trump will be their respective party nominees, though it seems more likely than not.

“There are a lot of people who are making flat statements about what’s going to happen … that might turn out to be right but could just as likely turn out to be wrong,” Ayres said, “because they’re affected by events that haven’t happened yet.”

To read the entire column, please click here.

Whit Ayres, May 1

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Washington Post regarding views of President Biden’s age and Vice President Harris’ capabilities:

Biden is in an unprecedented situation because of his low-40s approval ratings and the clear aversion many have to him running again, Republican pollster Whit Ayres said. Harris’s struggles to generate strong support from voters in either party have added complexity to Biden’s reelection prospects, Ayers added. More than dozen Democratic leaders in key states expressed concerns earlier this year about Harris’s political strength in interviews with The Washington Post.

“That’s an enormous number of people who really don’t want the incumbent president to run again,” Ayres said. “You layer on top of that the fact that the vast majority of the American people do not believe that someone in their mid-80s should try to be shouldering the enormous burdens and pressures of the presidency — and that is especially true when he has a vice president who is widely viewed by members of both parties as not ready for prime time. That is an enormous hill to climb.”

To read the full article, please click here.