Whit Ayres, July 24

Whit Ayres comments to The New York Times about Donald Trump’s comments on electric vehicles:

“Trump is tapping into something Republicans really believe,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican political consultant. “They’re far less likely to consider buying an electric vehicle and they really resent the idea that the government is going to come along and subsidize these Democrats who want to buy an electric vehicle.”

To read the whole article, please click here.

Jon McHenry, May 19

Jon McHenry’s comments to The Daily Caller regarding Joe Biden’s legislation and impacts on swing state voting:

“I think the problem for President Biden in Pennsylvania is that there really are not enough jobs created in these bills — especially in the near future — to offset the losses of his curbs on natural gas,” Jon McHenry, a GOP polling analyst who works for North Star Opinion Research, told the DCNF. “Even if voters know about potential gains down the road, what they really know is likely job losses that are a direct result of what could be called the ‘war on gas.’ And of course, the president is in a box because any backing away from his green energy rhetoric will upset his base.”

To read the full article, please click here.

Jon McHenry, February 29

Jon McHenry’s comments in the Daily Caller regarding Senator Bob Casey and the Biden Administration’s liquified natural gas pause:

“I think this pause is actually the worst of both worlds for Senator Casey. It’s very likely to hit Pennsylvania’s working class voters in the pocketbook, not only by leading to job losses in the state but also by driving up energy costs and continuing the inflation that has been one of the top issues since President Biden took office,” Jon McHenry, a GOP polling analyst who works for North Star Opinion Research, told the DCNF. “On the other side, he and Senator Fetterman issued a weak statement saying, in effect, ‘If this hurts Pennsylvania, we’ll have to have words with Joe Biden.’ That statement is too weak to demonstrate any independence, but by questioning it at all, Casey may have aggravated some environmentalists who may not turnout to support him in November.”

To read the full article, please click here.

Whit Ayres, February 14

Whit Ayres’ comments on Republican views on climate change:

Whit Ayres, a veteran Republican pollster who has consulted Republican senators and governors for over three decades, characterized the party’s shift toward recognition of climate change as an “evolution” similar to the Democrats’ movement in the 2010s toward support for gay marriage. At that time, polls showed the issue split along an unusually stark generational line.

“It’s been pretty clear for some time that more and more people are concerned about climate change,” Ayres said. “In some ways it’s like gay marriage — age is not usually a particular issue, but it certainly is the case with climate change, as it was with gay marriage. There’s a strong relationship where the younger the voter, the greater the concern.”

To read the full article, please click here.

District Survey Regarding Energy



Whit Ayres, November 20

Whit Ayres’ comments in The New York Times on the electability of Elizabeth Warren:

Whit Ayres, president of North Star Opinion Research, was outspoken: “Elizabeth Warren is God’s gift to Donald Trump and Republican candidates.”

“Well-educated suburban voters, especially women,” Ayres continued, “are uncomfortable with President Trump,” but, he added, “they are not going to vote for a candidate who wants to take away their private health insurance, decriminalize the border, increase government spending by 50 percent, and ban fracking, especially in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Colorado.”

To read the full article, please click here.

Whit Ayres, November 17

Whit Ayres’ comments in the Wall Street Journal regarding Governor Chris Christie and the Keystone XL pipeline:

Any successful 2016 Republican candidate for president will need to show their support for the pipeline, said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster. Pushing other ideas to expand U.S. energy investments could help to distinguish Mr. Christie from the rest of the pack, he said. “It’s a great issue for Republicans. It’s a great issue for anyone who wants to see economic growth.”

To read the full article, please click here.

Whit Ayres, February 14/Solyndra

Whit Ayres’ comments on the GOP message regarding Solyndra in the Associated Press:

“All of the sudden the companies that end up getting the grants are those who happen to be well politically connected,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster, explaining the GOP’s Solyndra message.

For the full article, please click here.