Whit Ayres, June 26

Whit Ayres’ comments to Politico regarding Republicans and the politics of abortion:

“When you’re talking about abortion, you’re playing on the Democrats’ turf,” said Whit Ayres, a GOP pollster and consultant. “Just like when you’re talking about immigration and inflation, you’re playing on Republicans’ turf.”

“There’s going to be a lot of ferment and turmoil at the state level until each state develops a consensus consistent with its own culture about the abortion question,” Ayres said.

To read the full article, please click here.

Whit Ayres, June 23

Whit Ayres’ comments to CNN regarding the policy and political landscape in the wake of the Dobbs decision:

“President Trump was right to say that abortion policy should be left up to the states,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican political consultant. “The dramatic differences among state cultures means that there is no possible national policy that would be considered legitimate in both Mississippi and Massachusetts.”

Ayres said that while some states have gone “way overboard” with the abortion restrictions they’ve passed, he believes that eventually states will reach a consensus on abortion that match their culture.

To read the full article, please click here.

Jon McHenry, April 21

Jon McHenry’s comments to The Daily Caller on the effect of Arizona’s Supreme Court ruling on abortion:

The opposition from prominent Republicans to the Arizona Supreme Court’s abortion ruling could mitigate Democrats’ turnout boost, according to polling analyst Jon McHenry.

“Typically where there’s been something on the ballot, it has helped Democrats — there’s kind of no way around it. The Arizona situation is going to be an interesting case, because you have so many high profile Republicans saying that this really went too far,” said McHenry. “It’ll be interesting to see what happens with turnout when you have Republicans, essentially on the same side, saying, ‘we need to repeal this.’”

To read the full article, please click here.

Whit Ayres, April 9

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Wall Street Journal regarding President Trump’s position on abortion:

“I don’t know that anything will take the attention off the abortion issue given some of the extremely restrictive bills that have been passed,” said GOP consultant Whit Ayres, who called Trump’s position a politically smart one. “But it is the most likely strategy to allow the focus on other issues.”

To read the full article, please click here.

Whit Ayres, March 29

Whit Ayres’ comments to ABC News on Republican office holders wrestling with abortion issues:

“The states have just started wrestling with one of the most intractable issues in American politics. And some state legislatures are going to overreach, and some state judicial rulings will overreach, and then they’ll get corrected,” GOP consultant Whit Ayres said. “We saw that with the IVF issue in Alabama, where the legislature and the governor rushed to confront and overturn a Supreme Court decision.”

When asked if Republicans have to make peace with a pattern of overreach and correction, Ayres replied, “Yeah. That’s the way the process works.”

To read the full article, please click here.

Whit Ayres, November 17

Whit Ayres’ comments to CNN regarding abortion policy and the midterm elections:

Veteran GOP pollster Whit Ayres says this separation testifies to the value of allowing states to set their own rules on contentious social issues, particularly abortion. This “is exactly why allowing the states to follow their own cultural values on such an emotionally fraught issue is a wise decision in a federal political system,” Ayres says. “That’s why Roe v. Wade was so problematic as a national policy because values differ so dramatically among the states that it is impossible to adopt a national abortion policy that will be supported in each of the states.”

To read the full article, please click here.